Posted by : Unknown Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tool # 1 #

CD Recovery Toolbox

Recover files from damaged or corruptedCD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-Ray disks

CD Recovery Toolbox (download, mirror) tool was developed for recovering damaged files from different disk types: CD, DVD,HD DVD, Blu-Ray, etc. You can use it to restore information lost as a result of some mechanical damage of the disk (scratches, chips, different spots on thesurface) or as a result of incorrect recording. Thus, the program can recoverdata that was considered lost. The CD Recovery Toolbox Free tool scans any CD and DVD disks and finds files and folders located there. We should mention that there can be some information on the disk that cannot berecovered. Not all of the files and folders can be found - that depends on the degree and location of the damage. Therefore, the CD Recovery Toolbox Free tool finds the possible maximum amount of information. After that, it shows a list of all files and folders available for recovery. Now the user can select the files and folders to be recovered. Those specific objects will be recovered while the others will be ignored. The program recovers the maximum amount of information in the damaged file. This reduces the risk of data loss considerably.
Program features:
  • Recovering information from any CD and DVD disks
  • Recovering files larger than 4 Gb
  • Detecting possible lack of free space on the hard disk for storing the recovered files
The tool is compatible with Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP SP2, Windows 2003, Windows Vista.

Tool # 2 #

IsoPuzzle is CD/DVD recovery software. The goal of this program is to recover as much as possible data of damaged, bad burned or scratched CDs or DVDs. This version is experimental and supports only data CDs and DVDs with sectorsize of 2048 byte - Audio CD, VCD and SVCD are not supported. Requires ASPI.dll.

Tool # 3 #

CDCheck is a utility for the prevention, detection and recovery of damaged files on CD-ROMs with an emphasis on error detection. With CDCheck you can check your CDs and discover which files are corrupted. By using the program proactively, you can insure that your data on CD-ROMs are safe -- before it's too late! CDCheck provides the following features: readability verification, binary compare, CRC file creation (and verification) and file recovery

{ 1 comments ... read them below or add one }

  1. All your files are still stored on the CD/DVD. They're just invisible or inaccessible.You can recover them with data recovery software.
    I used this one to recover files from my CD/DVD and it worked. Anyway, you can download it and scan your CD/DVD for free to preview whether you can recover your data. Hope this help!


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