Archive for September 2013

Change the Logon Background On windows

Saturday, September 7, 2013
Posted by Unknown
Just like our clothes, our PCs are an extension of us, and we should dress them accordingly. Logon Studio  helps in this endeavor. The program lets you choose from a wardrobe of more than 500 logon backgrounds. Can’t find a style to suit your tastes? Make your own background from scratch or edit an existing background.
Download The Skin ==> Load ==> Apply

You Can Download LogonStudio Here
You Can Download LogonStudio Skins Here 

Tired of the same old boot screen? Change it up! There are two methods for altering XP’s boot logo one involves risky system-file edits that put your OS at risk, the other entails downloading BootSkin  . Play it safe with the latter and click your way to a new boot screen with one of the bundled logos. Don’t see one you like? Choose from hundreds more available for download

You Can Download BootSkin Here
You'll Get Only 4 Or 5 Skins But you Can Download More At WinCustomize 

1. Make Personal Passwords Non-Personal - One key tip is to ensure that your password is related in some way to you that will be easy for you to remember, while not including easily identifiable information. What does that all mean? Yes, you can work in your favorite color or television show into your password. However, don’t include your address or birthday in there.
2. No Random Generators – Password generators are always considered recommended for choosing strong passwords, but I always advise staying away from them for two reasons. First, some generators heavily reuse password suggestions. Secondly, they are much harder to remember and will require to resorting to password recovery frequently.
3. Break the Molds - I advise not making use of real words or phrases in your password. For example, if you are going to include the word “soccer” in your password, use “$0kr” instead. This also means, don’t make use of dictionaries in consulting your next password—that’s just asking for hackers to come to you like fresh bait.
4. The NAC Philosophy – The philisophy I just created while making this article is the NAC philisophy. This means ensuring that your password includes “Numbers A Characters” along with text. One common mistake with passwords is only including letters, but also including characters and numbers strengthens your password. Simply changing “LuvToPlaySoccer” into “!Luv2ply$okr!” turns a weak password into a strong one.

5. Utilize the Strength Test – Finally, making use of a strength test can ensure that your password is top performing. Several online resources, including How Secure Is My Password, allows you to instantly see how strong (or common) your password truly is.

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