Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sync, share and store. Securely With CUBBY

Cubby is the easiest and most flexible way to keep your files organized at your command, both for individual productivity and shared collaboration. Meanwhile, enterprise-level security and manageability controls give business and IT leaders peace of mind that company data is secure. Everyone wins.

Cubby's Features

If you've used or looked into other cloud storage solutions, you know the pain. On one hand, public cloud services notoriously lack effective security and are unmanageable centrally. On the other hand, enterprise solutions may have IT controls, but are too complex for end users. Cubby brings the best of both worlds together: the simplicity users want with the security businesses need.

Sync, share and store. Securely With sparkleshare


How does it work?

SparkleShare creates a special folder on your computer. You can add remotely hosted folders (or "projects") to this folder. These projects will be automatically kept in sync with both the host and all of your peers when someone adds, removes or edits a file.

Sync, share and store. Securely With BitTorrent labs

Sync and Share

Sync unlimited files between your own devices, or share a folder with friends and family to automatically sync anything.

Private and Secure

File transfers are encrypted. Your information is never stored on a server in the cloud and your data is protected by private keys.

Bigger is Better

BitTorrent Sync is specifically designed to handle large files, so feel free to sync original, high quality, uncompressed files.

Sync, share and store. Securely With AeroFs


Ultimate Privacy

AeroFS encrypts your data end-to-end, and only shares your files with those who you invite. Files are never stored in the public cloud.

Private Cloud for SMBs

Turn your file servers into private clouds. Manage users, sharing, permissions and devices all from one central location.

Unlimited Sync & Sharing

AeroFS lets you sync all the data on your devices. No limits. No caps. You already have all the storage you need, now use it!


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