Archive for 2013
Just like our clothes, our PCs are an extension of us, and we should dress them accordingly. Logon Studio helps in this endeavor. The program lets you choose from a wardrobe of more than 500 logon backgrounds. Can’t find a style to suit your tastes? Make your own background from scratch or edit an existing background.
Download The Skin ==> Load ==> Apply
Download The Skin ==> Load ==> Apply
You Can Download LogonStudio Here
You Can Download LogonStudio Skins Here
Tired of the same old boot screen? Change it up! There are two methods for altering XP’s boot logo one involves risky system-file edits that put your OS at risk, the other entails downloading BootSkin . Play it safe with the latter and click your way to a new boot screen with one of the bundled logos. Don’t see one you like? Choose from hundreds more available for download
You Can Download BootSkin Here
You'll Get Only 4 Or 5 Skins But you Can Download More At WinCustomize
You Can Download BootSkin Here
You'll Get Only 4 Or 5 Skins But you Can Download More At WinCustomize

2. No Random Generators – Password generators are always considered recommended for choosing strong passwords, but I always advise staying away from them for two reasons. First, some generators heavily reuse password suggestions. Secondly, they are much harder to remember and will require to resorting to password recovery frequently.
3. Break the Molds - I advise not making use of real words or phrases in your password. For example, if you are going to include the word “soccer” in your password, use “$0kr” instead. This also means, don’t make use of dictionaries in consulting your next password—that’s just asking for hackers to come to you like fresh bait.
4. The NAC Philosophy – The philisophy I just created while making this article is the NAC philisophy. This means ensuring that your password includes “Numbers A Characters” along with text. One common mistake with passwords is only including letters, but also including characters and numbers strengthens your password. Simply changing “LuvToPlaySoccer” into “!Luv2ply$okr!” turns a weak password into a strong one.
5. Utilize the Strength Test – Finally, making use of a strength test can ensure that your password is top performing. Several online resources, including How Secure Is My Password, allows you to instantly see how strong (or common) your password truly is.
Hide / Unhide Hard Drive Partition On /Windows Xp, 7, 8, Vista {Video}
Sunday, August 25, 2013
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Professional slideshows your way.
Turn your photos, videos and music into totally custom, professional video slideshows for clients, friends and family. With Producer there are no limits; use unlimited photos, videos and effects to turn your creative ideas into reality.
Slick, polished shows in minutes.
Save time and speed-up your workflow with Producer's built-in wizard. Create a show in just minutes with dozens of professional themes perfect for weddings, engagements, family photos, nature and outdoor shots, travel photography and more.
When you're ready to take total control, ProShow Producer offers up some seriously powerful tools and effects to customize every aspect of your slideshow.
Add ready-made styles & transitions.
Turn your photos and videos into exciting layouts and polished animations with hundreds of effects available in ProShow Producer. Just click to preview and apply to any scene in your show. Simulate everything from page turns and camera flashes to blurs and fades.
build your own custom effects.
Take the reins and create your own custom effects with Producer's keyframing, masking and adjustment layers. and effects. Create your own slide styles, transitions and show templates. Build a library of your own, custom effects for a streamlined workflow and consistent slideshows.
After installing The program Restart Your computer go To The Crack Setup Double ClickThen Click Generate Then open The Proshow producer Again You'll Find It Cracked
Enjoy Full Features of this Amazing Program .
Remote Desktop gives you access to your Windows 8 PC or device from wherever you are to run your applications and access your files remotely.
Left an important document on your work computer? Want to run a legacy x86 desktop app from your Surface?
You can use Remote Desktop to access that document or app from your laptop, tablet, or desktop instead of running back home or to the office. All you need to do is set up the connections and permissions to enable the devices you want to have access to and gain access from.
See all your remote connections in the home screen and open them with a single touch.
Access work resources published via RemoteApp and Desktop Connections.
Connect to multiple remote desktops at the same time. Keep an eye on different sessions while you multitask by snapping the app.
Navigate applications in your remote session easily using the touch keyboard, the Touch Pointer, Rotation and Zoom.
Automatically detect and optimize your connection quality with RemoteFX WAN Transport enhancements.
Customize settings for all remote connections at once or individually.
If you are setting up a mail server at home, you will wonder why the recipient cannot receive your email which is sent by your mail server. The reason is that your IP is blacklisted.How to overcome this problem? It is quiet easy and just send a request to the SPAMHAUS to cancel your Address IP from the blacklist.
For example, your IP is 75:159:126:154
Navigate To ==>
Accepted the agreement and click "Remove IP address" button. Finally, fill in the blanks and wait for the confirmation email for the confirmation code to fill into the screen provided after you sent the request.
For example, your IP is 75:159:126:154
Navigate To ==>
Note: You Have To Change The Red Numbers on the link Above to your Exact Ip Address Numbers If You Don't know Your ip Address Click: Here To Get It !!
If you find any item is in red color (e.g. PBL), your IP is blacklisted. You just click on the link under the red colored item. Then, select "Remove an IP from PBL" button. Usually, SBL and XBL are in green colour.Accepted the agreement and click "Remove IP address" button. Finally, fill in the blanks and wait for the confirmation email for the confirmation code to fill into the screen provided after you sent the request.
Requirement :
You Need To Download
How To :
1 Insert card into your phone but don’t access it through phone.
2 Run FExplorer and Open the path C:\system.
3 You will find a file called mmcstore ,rename the file mmcstore.txt
4 Copy that file(mmcstore.txt) to your Computer and open that file in notepad.
5 You will find your password in that file... Enjoy
- 1. Computer is booting from a non-bootable source.
- 2. Computer hard disk drive is not properly setup in BIOS.
- 3. Corrupt NTLDR and/or NTDETECT.COM file.
- 4. Misconfiguration with the boot.ini file.
- 5. Attempting to upgrade from a Windows 95, 98, or ME computer that is using FAT32.
- 6. New hard disk drive being added.
- 7. Corrupt boot sector / master boot record.
- 8. Seriously corrupted version of Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
- 9. Loose or Faulty IDE/EIDE hard disk drive cable.
- 10. Failing to enable USB keyboard support in the BIOS.
Computer is booting from a non-bootable sourceMany times this error is caused when the computer is attempting to boot from a non-bootable floppy disk or CD-ROM. First verify that no floppy diskette is in the computer, unless you are attempting to boot from a diskette.
If you are attempting to boot from a floppy diskette and are receiving this error message it is likely that the diskette does not have all the necessary files and/or is corrupt.
If you are attempting to install Windows XP or Windows 2000 and are receiving this error message as the computer is booting verify that your computer BIOS has the proper boot settings. For example, if you are attempting to run the install from the CD-ROM make sure the CD-ROM is the first boot device, and not the hard disk drive.
Second, when the computer is booting you should receive the below prompt.
Press any key to boot from the CD
Important: When you see this message press any key such as the Enter key immediately, otherwise it will try booting from the hard drive and likely get the NTLDR error again.
Note: If you are not receiving the above message and your BIOS boot options are set properly it's also possible that your CD-ROM drive may not be booting from the CD-ROM properly. Verify the jumpers are set properly on the CD-ROM drive. Additional information about checking the CD-ROM drive connections can be found on document CH000213.
Additional information: This error has also been known to occur when a memory stick is in a card reader and the computer is attempting to boot from it. If you have any type of card reader or flash reader make sure that no memory stick is inside the computer.
Computer hard disk drive is not properly setup in BIOS
Verify that your computer hard disk drive is properly setup in the BIOS / CMOS setup. Improper settings can cause this error. Additional information on how to enter the BIOS / CMOS setup can be found in document CH000192.
Corrupt NTLDR and/or NTDETECT.COM file
Windows XP users
- 1. Insert the Windows XP bootable CD into the computer.
- 2. When prompted to press any key to boot from the CD, press any key.
- 3. Once in the Windows XP setup menu press the "R" key to repair Windows.
- 4. Log into your Windows installation by pressing the "1" key and pressing enter.
- 5. You will then be prompted for your administrator password, enter that password.
- 6. Copy the below two files to the root directory of the primary hard disk. In the below example we are copying these files from the CD-ROM drive letter, which in this case is "e." This letter may be different on your computer.
copy e:i386ntldr c: copy c:
- 7. Once both of these files have been successfully copied, remove the CD from the computer and reboot.
Misconfiguration with the boot.ini file
Edit the boot.ini on the root directory of the hard disk drive and verify that it is pointing to the correct location of your Windows operating system and that the partitions are properly defined. Additional information about the boot.ini can be found on document CH000492.
Attempting to upgrade from a Windows 95, 98, or ME computer that is using FAT32
If you are getting this error message while you are attempting to upgrade to Windows 2000 or Windows XP from Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows ME running FAT32 please try the below recommendations.
- 1. Boot the computer with a Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows ME bootable diskette.
- 2. At the A:> prompt type:
sys c: <press enter>
- 3. After pressing enter you should receive the "System Transferred" message. Once this has been completed remove the floppy diskette and reboot the computer.
New hard disk drive being added
If you are attempting to add a new hard disk drive to the computer make sure that drive is a blank drive. Adding a new hard disk drive to a computer that already has Windows installed on it may cause the NTLDR error to occur.
If you are unsure if the new drive is blank or not try booting from a bootable diskette and format the new hard disk drive.
Corrupt boot sector / master boot record
It's possible your computer's hard disk drive may have a corrupt boot sector and/or master boot record. These can be repaired through the Microsoft Windows Recovery console by running the fixboot and fixmbr commands.
Additional information and help in getting into the Microsoft Windows Recovery console can be found on document CH000627.
Seriously corrupted version of Windows 2000 or Windows XP
If you have tried each of the above recommendations that apply to your situation and you continue to experience this issue it is possible you may have a seriously corrupted version of Microsoft Windows. Therefore we would recommend you reinstall Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
If you are encountering this issue during your setup you may wish to completely erase your computer hard disk drive and all of its existing data and then install Microsoft Windows 2000 / Windows XP. Additional information about erasing the computer and starting over can be found on document CH000186.
Loose or Faulty IDE/EIDE hard disk drive cable
This issue has been known to be caused by a loose or fault IDE/EIDE cable. If the above recommendation does not resolve your issue and your computer hard disk drive is using an IDE or EIDE interface. Verify the computer hard disk drive cable is firmly connected by disconnected and reconnecting the cable.
If the issue continues it is also a possibility that the computer has a faulty cable, try replacing the hard disk drive cable with another cable and/or a new cable.
Missing DLL File
Dynamic-Link Library (DLL) files house information for your operating system on how to perform certain functions. Occasionally, your computer loses DLL files or something damages them. When your PC can't read the particular DLL file, it doesn't know how to respond in certain situations. You may have a missing or corrupt DLL file if you receive an error message every time you perform a certain function, such as saving. If your computer problems are stemming from missing and damaged DLL files, you can restore them by downloading them back onto your PC.
Applications That Won't Install
If you're having trouble with an application not installing, it may be because your computer doesn't have enough hard drive space. If this is the case, you need to free up some space. This is one of the computer problems that's, well, least problematic. You can free up some hard drive space by getting rid of files and folders you don't need. These may be temporary files, duplicate files or data for software you've uninstalled.
Applications Run Slowly
There are several reasons software might be running at turtle speed. You may have computer problems that involve your operating system or an application, your operating system might be missing updates or your computer doesn't have enough hard drive space. If you don't have enough hard drive space, you can scan, clean and optimize your hard drive.
Abnormal Applications Behavior
Computer problems that involve applications acting strangely oftentimes leave you wondering what has happened. Your application has been working just fine, but now, seemingly without reason, it is doing something strange.
For instance, your Word document will no longer show the top margin of your document. It still says it's there, and when you print it, there's not a problem. You just can't see it on your monitor. If this is happening, you may want to restart your computer. Conducting an internet search for the type of problem you're experiencing or consulting your user manual may help you as well.
Using System Repair Software
If you have computer problems, chances are, system repair software can help you fix it. Most of these applications can repair operating system problems that lead to the Blue Screen of Death. They can also replace missing or damaged DLL files. System repair software can also free up space you need for another application, and it can optimize your computer so it runs faster. It may even identify problems you're having with applications, but it depends on the software you use and the application that's having problems.
The blue screen of death — or BSOD — is always an unwelcome sight. BSODs appear when Microsoft Windows encounters a critical error it can’t recover from, requiring a reboot and possibly resulting in lost work.
A blue screen of death is the worst type of error a computer can experience, unlike an application crash, which doesn’t bring down the whole system. A BSOD is the result of low-level software crashing — or faulty hardware.
What Causes Blue Screens of Death
Blue screens are generally caused by problems with your computer’s hardware or issues with its hardware driver software. Standard software shouldn’t be able to cause blue screens — if an application crashes, it will do so without taking the operating system out with it. Blue screens are caused by hardware problems and issues with low-level software running in the Windows kernel.
A blue screen occurs when Windows encounters a “STOP Error.” This critical failure causes Windows to crash and stop working. The only thing Windows can do is stop the computer and restart it. This can lead to data loss, as programs don’t have a chance to save their open data — ideally, programs should continuously save their data so a blue screen of death or other type of error won’t result in data loss.
When a blue screen occurs, Windows automatically creates a “minidump” file that contains information about the crash and saves it to your disk. You can view information about these minidumps to help identify the cause of the blue screen.
Windows Restarts When a BSOD Appears
By default, Windows automatically restarts the computer whenever it encounters a blue screen of death. If your computer is restarting for no apparent reason, it’s probably blue-screening.
If you would like to see more detailed error message whenever a blue screen appears, you can disable automatic reboots on BSODs from the Windows Control Panel.
Viewing BSOD Information
NirSoft’s free BlueScreenView application offers an easy way to view blue-screen information. It will scan all minidump files created during BSODs and display crash information.
This information is also available in the Windows Event Viewer, where blue screen messages are scattered among application crashes and other system log messages.
If you’re a developer looking to debug the memory dumps, try Microsoft’s powerful WinDbgdebugger.
Troubleshooting BSODs
On Windows 7 and newer versions of Windows, blue-screen information is also displayed in the Action Center. If you experience a blue screen, you can open the Action Center and check for solutions. Windows will analyze the BSODs and other types of errors your computer has experienced before giving you any information it has about fixing the problem.
Useful Tips for Dealing With BSODs
BSODs have a variety of root causes, but these tips will help you deal with many blue screens:
- Use System Restore: If your system recently started blue-screening, use System Restore to roll its system software back to a previous state. If this works, you’ll know that it’s likely a software problem.
- Scan for Malware: Malware that digs deep into Windows and gets its hooks into the Windows kernel at a low level can cause system instability. Scan your computer for malware to ensure buggy malicious software isn't causing it to crash.
- Install Updated Drivers: An incorrectly installed or buggy driver can lead to crashes. Download the latest drivers for your computer’s hardware from your computer manufacturer’s website and install them — this may fix BSODs caused by driver problems.
- Boot Into Safe Mode: If your computer is blue-screening every time you turn it on, trybooting into safe mode. In safe mode, Windows loads only the essential drivers. If a driver you've installed is causing Windows to blue screen, it shouldn’t do so in safe mode. You can work on fixing the problem from safe mode.
- Check for Hardware Problems: Blue screens can be caused by faulty hardware in your computer. Try testing your computer’s memory for errors and checking its temperature to ensure that it isn’t overheating.
- Reinstall Windows: Reinstalling Windows is the nuclear option. It will blow away your existing system software, replacing it with a fresh Windows system. If your computer continues to blue screen after this, you likely have a hardware problem.
A proper Computer Shouldn't Blue Screening !!!
6 Tools That Make Usb Drive Bootable Windows & Linux / Free
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Posted by
#1# WinToFlash
WinToFlash is likely to make a big difference to the way you work. It will make life a lot easier for you. Quickly and simply install the program you needs and in no time at all you will find yourself writing essays on Windows and using your USB. The WinToFlash makes the job hassle free for you.
WinToFlash help you pull over the contents of a Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 installation disk and prep the USB drive to become a bootable replacement for the optical drive. This is about you can install your Windows from flash drive or card, HDD, etc. to your computer or netbook.
And this is not all it can do. WinToFlash can transfer your live CD or DVD to USB card, for example, BartPE. After all you can erase your USB media and format it with Windows for everyday use.
And this is not all it can do. WinToFlash can transfer your live CD or DVD to USB card, for example, BartPE. After all you can erase your USB media and format it with Windows for everyday use.
System requirements
- Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) processor or faster
- At least 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM
- At least 20 megabytes (MB) of available space on the hard disk
- Keyboard and a Microsoft Mouse or some other compatible pointing device
- Video adapter and monitor with Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher resolution
- Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8
To use Novicorp WinToFlash, your computer has to meet certain hardware requirements. Actual requirements vary, depending on the system configuration and the programs and features that you choose.
#2# RMPrepUSB
RMPrepUSB allows the Windows user to easily and quickly 'roll their own' multiboot USB drive. It allows the user to quickly test, partition, format, install a boot manager, extract or copy files and then test a multiboot (aka multipass) USB bootable drive. It can also make or restore an image and much more. Multiboot 'point-and-shoot' utilities like YUMI or XBOOT are excellent, however they don't support every different ISO or image. You will learn too enjoy making your own personal multiboot drive using RMPrepUSB! Official Website
#3# Rufus
Rufus is a small utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc.
It can be especially useful for cases where:
- you need to create USB installation media from bootable ISOs (Windows, Linux, UEFI, etc.)
- you need to work on a system that doesn't have an OS installed
- you need to flash a BIOS or other firmware from DOS
- you want to run a low-level utility
Despite its small size, Rufus provides everything you need! official website
#4# UNetbootin
UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. You can either let UNetbootin download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list.
- Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, or Linux, or Mac OS X 10.5+. Note that resulting USB drives are bootable only on PCs (not on Macs).
- Internet access for downloading a distro to install, or a pre-downloaded ISO file
#5# linuxliveusb
LinuxLive USB Creator is a completely free and open-source software for Windows only. It has been built with simplicity in mind and it can be used by anyone. All you have to do is to pick up a Linux in the list and give it a try.
#6# Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool
Installation And The Explain About This Easy Tool Found HERE
Tool # 1 #
CD Recovery Toolbox
Recover files from damaged or corruptedCD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-Ray disks
CD Recovery Toolbox (download, mirror) tool was developed for recovering damaged files from different disk types: CD, DVD,HD DVD, Blu-Ray, etc. You can use it to restore information lost as a result of some mechanical damage of the disk (scratches, chips, different spots on thesurface) or as a result of incorrect recording. Thus, the program can recoverdata that was considered lost. The CD Recovery Toolbox Free tool scans any CD and DVD disks and finds files and folders located there. We should mention that there can be some information on the disk that cannot berecovered. Not all of the files and folders can be found - that depends on the degree and location of the damage. Therefore, the CD Recovery Toolbox Free tool finds the possible maximum amount of information. After that, it shows a list of all files and folders available for recovery. Now the user can select the files and folders to be recovered. Those specific objects will be recovered while the others will be ignored. The program recovers the maximum amount of information in the damaged file. This reduces the risk of data loss considerably.
Program features:
- Recovering information from any CD and DVD disks
- Recovering files larger than 4 Gb
- Detecting possible lack of free space on the hard disk for storing the recovered files
The tool is compatible with Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP SP2, Windows 2003, Windows Vista.
Tool # 2 #
IsoPuzzle is CD/DVD recovery software. The goal of this program is to recover as much as possible data of damaged, bad burned or scratched CDs or DVDs. This version is experimental and supports only data CDs and DVDs with sectorsize of 2048 byte - Audio CD, VCD and SVCD are not supported. Requires ASPI.dll.
Tool # 3 #
CDCheck is a utility for the prevention, detection and recovery of damaged files on CD-ROMs with an emphasis on error detection. With CDCheck you can check your CDs and discover which files are corrupted. By using the program proactively, you can insure that your data on CD-ROMs are safe -- before it's too late! CDCheck provides the following features: readability verification, binary compare, CRC file creation (and verification) and file recovery
Want to run Android on your PC? The Android-x86 Project has ported Android to the x86 platform from ARM. Android-x86 can be installed on netbooks with supported hardware, but you can also install Android in VirtualBox.
Android can be run as just another virtual machine, like you would run a Windows or Linux virtual machine. This allows you to play with the Android interface and install apps in a full Android environment on your PC.
What You’ll Need
Before you can get started, you’ll need both VirtualBox and an Android-x86 ISO to install inside VirtualBox.
- Install VirtualBox: Download and install VirtualBox if you don’t already have it installed.
- Download an Android-x86 ISO: You can find the latest Android-x86 ISO files at Google Code. Download the latest one — currently Android 4.2.
Creating an Android Virtual Machine
You can now open VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine by clicking the New button. Go through the wizard and configure your virtual machine with the following settings:
- Operating System: Linux – Linux 2.6
- Memory Size: 512 MB
- Hard Drive Size: 3 GB or More
Next, power on your new virtual machine and point VirtualBox at the Android-x86 ISO file you downloaded. The installer will boot up inside your virtual machine.
Select the Installation option and press Enter to continue.
Then We’ll need to create a partition for the Android system. Select the Create/Modify partitionsoption and press Enter.
Select the New option with your arrow keys and press Enter to create a new partition in the free space.
Choose the Primary option and press Enter, then press Enter again to have the partition take up the entire size of the virtual disk you created.
Highlight the Bootable option and press Enter to make the partition bootable, then select the Write option and press Enter to write your changes to the virtual disk. You’ll have to type yes and press Enter to confirm writing the changes.
Activate the Quit option and you’ll go back to the Choose Partition screen.
This time, you’ll see the partition you created at the top of the screen. Select the partition and press Enter to install Android to it.
Select the ext3 file system, and then select Yes to format the partition.
Choose Yes to install the GRUB bootloader, and then select Yes to install the /system directory as read-write.
Once you’re done, you can remove the ISO file and reboot your virtual machine.
You’ll boot into a live Android environment, complete with Google apps like Gmail, Maps, and the Play Store for installing other apps.
Android is primarily designed for touch input, but it can also be used with a mouse and keyboard — this means that your computer’s mouse and keyboard can function as serviceable input devices. Just don’t try doing anything you need multi-touch for.